Hi, I’m Michael Herold. I am a software developer specializing in web applications. I currently work mostly in Ruby and JavaScript. I love to write open source software and talk about it.
When I’m not in front of the computer, I enjoy hiking with my wife, Kate. I love reading, music and photography. My sports of choice are baseball (go Reds!) and soccer.

My Contact Information
You can contact me via e-mail or follow me on Twitter. I open source code on GitHub.
My Colophon
I write the content for this website in Markdown and build it statically with Bridgetown. I host it using Netlify. I use a hand-crafted style that I made using Sass, Bourbon, and Bitters.
I use the Fira Sans font from Mozilla for the body text. To improve the rendering performance on low-powered devices, I use a custom subset of Fira that is dynamically replaced once the full font loads.