1. Finding Rails migrations

    Scrabble pieces arranged to spell S-E-A-R-C-H signifying the search for Rails migrations across branches.

    Sometimes, I find myself working across several branches helping different teammates with their stories. Often, these branches use Rails migrations to easily manage the database changes that need to be made to support the work. This means that I end up running migrations from many different branches. Because I am human, I often forget to roll those migrations back before switching branches. When a destructive migration has to happen as part of a branch, it leaves me in a situation where I have several migrations that I need to roll back at any given time. In addition, they might be interleaved with migrations that exist on the master branch if it’s a longer-running branch.

Hi, I'm Michael Herold. I am a husband, father of two, and a staff engineer at Shopify working on the Shop Search team.

I'm a Rubyist by trade and maintain Hashie and KSUID for Ruby. I am working to better the IndieWeb experience in Ruby, in particular for the Bridgetown static site generator, which I use to host this website.